Green Supply Chain Needs an Apollo Program

From “Earlier this year, congressman and author Jay Inslee spoke to a gathering of Bainbridge Graduate Institute MBA students about his book – Apollo’s Fire, Igniting America’s Clean Energy Economy. Congressman Inslee offers a well-thought out hypothesis that there is a need for “a revolution that will transform our economy with new technologies, reinvest in our communities, and create millions of new ‘green collar’ jobs.” This revolution, I believe, must not only begin in clean energy but also must be started in all areas of sustainability.”

“These are lofty goals and, as Congressman Inslee states, we need a unifying vision for the nation from government that will rekindle the fire of innovation, similar to that triggered by NASA’s Apollo program. Supply management professionals, however, must not wait for the governmental leaders to show the way to a new energy economy. Rather, supply management professionals should break new ground and lead society by applying innovative concepts to today’s perplexing sustainable issues.

The first revolution began in 1961 when President Kennedy challenged the nation to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. In that ambitious program, NASA, which just celebrated its 50th birthday, relentlessly pursued its vision and reached its objective in 1969. Along the way, NASA’s programs generated numerous societal or technological advances, including advanced computer systems and communication satellites in association with the establishment of a small business technology transfer program.” Green Supply Chain Needs an Apollo Program