Special Report: Life in a Land Without Growth

From NewScientist: ” IT’S 2020, and we are a decade into a huge experiment in which we are trying to convert our country to a sustainable or “steady-state” economy. We have two guiding principles: we don’t use natural resources faster than they can be replenished by the planet, and we don’t deposit wastes faster than they can be absorbed. In our society, scientists set the rules. They work out what levels of consumption and emission are sustainable – and if they’re not sure they work out a cautious estimate. Then it’s up to the economists to work out how to achieve those limits, and how to encourage innovation so we extract as much as possible from every scrap of natural resource we use.

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Industry Leaders Team Up to Green Food’s Supply Chain

FromGreenBiz: “Environmental and agriculture groups, growers and some of the world’s biggest food buyers — Wal-Mart, Sysco and Sodexo among them — have developed a new coalition to incorporate sustainability from the field to the table for specialty crops. More than 30 companies and organizations from around the country are members of the Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops, which will develop a system for optimizing the supply chain for growing, distributing and selling a number of specialty crops — in this case, a broadly defined group of crops including fruits, vegetables, nuts and horticultural crops.”

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